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Trauma Recovery Services 5 Tips For How To Deal With Anxiety

According to the National Alliance on Mental Health 64% of people say the holidays trigger mental health conditions. Christmas shopping and a messy family situation can cause distress. It’s tempting to indulge and we wouldn’t dare tell you to restrict yourself. But, keep a healthy balance. Don’t stay trapped in your head. Take care that you can become present in your life. Here are Trauma recovery Services Tips for how to deal with anxiety.

1. Surrender

You must surrender. We know it’s scary but you can no longer suppress or avoid your suffering. When you ask questions you gain an understanding. One question to ask is: what was happening when you started to feel anxious? Fear is hard-wired and is always present, identifying what's causing the fear is important. It’s a flight or fight response. Don't be fooled by books or retreats as automatic fixes. Don’t allow it to control your life. It’s simply another emotion. With practice, you can approach it better. Acknowledge its presence.

2. Practice Fearlessness

If you've had anxiety for a while, it might start to feel normal to avoid leaving your home. One way to combat this is to practice an attitude of fearlessness. Feeling danger in every situation is teaching your mind that there is danger in daily life. The longer you avoid routine situations like driving or going to the grocery store, the stronger the anxiety will become. This is the time to dive deep and ask questions. Remind yourself that it is the false reaction nagging you. So now the mind is conditioned into retreating from these routines. Now you don’t know the difference between a real threat and a false one. You are comfortable with your default, so easy to let your mind react. Challenging the status quo may be hard, but it will pay off.

3. Timeout

Try a timeout. Go for expressing those pent-up emotions with silent mantras. Take deep breaths, count slowly to 20. It takes a consistent effort to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. See the road to lessening anxiety. This could be a break to practice yoga, listen to music, meditate, or get a massage. It can be as easy as listening to different genres of music, as long as it’s uplifting. You can add dancing and singing to the mix for an extra boost.

4. Start Hobbies and interests

Hobbies and interests are important to improving the quality of your mental health. This is a great distraction from the obsession. There are many hobbies of craft, music, and writing. Craft includes drawing, painting, scrapbooking. Knitting is also a highly recommended hobby. You can create beautiful clothes. They allow you to channel your emotions. Try a few things through the written word to manage anxiety. This includes journaling, stories, and poetry. Animals, cooking, photography are good choices to keep your hands busy.

5. Don’t Binge

Alcohol and caffeine hijack anxiety. So go easy on them. Don’t drink or eat too much, take drugs, or compulsively shop. It’s a short-lived thrill with no relief in sight.

It may seem like it's not a big deal but, self-care is also important. Give yourself a facial. Do not skip meals. Buy healthy, energy-boosting snacks.

Especially during stressful times. Make sure you get enough sleep.

Welcome laughter into your life. Dare we challenge you to stop trying to solve yourself. Tension is exhausting; feeling disconnected from life. It’s a damaging cycle.

When you are feeling overwhelmed contact Trauma Recovery Services. Or call us to make an appointment. We are experts in the treatment of stress and anxiety.

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